une petition contre la fourrure de chats et chiens.SIGNEZ SVP
J'ai tout fait, mais quel flip de revoir ou découvrir tout ça.
Mais dans quel monde vivons nous?
C'est entre chialage et colère++que je suis...
> http://www.furisdead.com/pledge-furfree.asp
> <http://www.furisdead.com/pledge-furfree.asp >
> We need your help RIGHT NOW to stop the carnage taking place on fur
> farms around the world-including the slaughter of nearly 2,000,000 cats
> and hundreds of thousands of dogs in China. Please take a moment to sign
> the important pledge linked above. Thank you.
Mais dans quel monde vivons nous?
C'est entre chialage et colère++que je suis...
> http://www.furisdea
> <http://www.furisdea
> We need your help RIGHT NOW to stop the carnage taking place on fur
> farms around the world-including the slaughter of nearly 2,000,000 cats
> and hundreds of thousands of dogs in China. Please take a moment to sign
> the important pledge linked above. Thank you.
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