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Psychanalyse et animaux.

Le massacre des chiens roumains recommence dès aujourdhui, 27 mars/2015

27 Mars 2015, 06:15am

Publié par Jo Benchetrit

Exploits roumains envers des innocents
Exploits roumains envers des innocents

Exploits roumains envers des innocents

URGENT. envoyez cette lettre type à

consiliulocal@primariacraiova.ro, contact@iohannispresedinte.ro, stefanbernhardeck@yahoo.de, keithtaylor@greenmeps.org.uk

The death penalty is programmed for dog Breasta next Saturday!
The mayor of Craiova in Romania, Olguta Lia Vasilescu, has planned the removal of dogs from the shelter Breasta Saturday, March 28 (in 2 DAYS).
To stop this latest tragic massacre of the poor innocent animals that plague Romanian politics, we ask everyone to send an email immediately (and no later than Friday, March 27).
We are convinced that if many of us reach involve us to block the massacre,

The attention of the mayor of Craiova, Olguta Lia Vasilescu (and, for carbon copy, the President of Romania, Klaus Johannis).
Animal rights and all those Romanians international community, heard the news that she planned to slaughter kennel dogs Breasta public without a legitimate reason Saturday, March 28 pv
This is not the first time, unfortunately, that the whole animal Team Europe sided with his companions and friends Romanians to avoid the worst.
We ask you to immediately stop this immoral action illegal and not in line with the funds allocated by the European Union and approved by Romania.
Otherwise, we are undertaking a massive protest operation to the European Parliament for the dissemination of information campaign on what happens in Breasta and intended to be prevalent in all European states because, again, you know what happens in Romania, in this case for the decision and the approval of a female mayor. Not only that, we will send a detailed report to "all" members.
We who abhor all forms of violence and cruelty, we are even more amazed and horrified to see that it's a woman to have approved such barbarism, which is a crime against morality and each poster Protection animals (although not binding) signed by all the European countries.
So much cynicism affects us unspeakable manner, and we wonder if it is the spirit with which she handles the administration of Craiova who is a citizen first.
This message is also addressed, for information, to the President Johannis, to whom we turn to check this cruel act of incivility that the Romanian people do not deserve, and to intervene because the abuse is stopped.
We remind that the world looks at time offenses implemented in thousands of euthanasia of dogs that need to find shelter in public kennels Romania while, conversely, are the most atrocious and cruel deaths .
We also go to Mr. Stefan Bernhardeck, because we know how you work to stop this horror. Thank you for your efficient and concrete work and please do the impossible because this infamous and bloody brutality is stopped in time.
Yours sincerely,

(Prénom, Nom, Pays)

on m'a envoyé ça:

If you kill animals, at least stop your terrible cruelty for catching et killing that poor dogs.
Are romania people without any human feeling?

After killing all your jewich during last war, with cruelty, romania has a nostaligia ok genocid.You are not tired of making innocents suffering?
Trista stire(povestea scurt). Nu este de mirare, este o tara amuzant. Cum a scris-o istoricul Raul Hilberg, " nici tara, exceptate de Germania, a participat atât de masiv in masacrul evreilor ".

art. sa fie complet citiţi pentru a avea o idee de o populaţie în trecut grele care ea a dorit niciodata cu curaj, onestitate şi franciză(francheţe). O teribila cruzime, pe care il gasim in alte tari din Europa Centrala, la animale ca în trecut evreilor, dar rapid în ură dacă te lasa sa stiu adevarul lor, ca destul de multe narcisismul elitei politice romanesti cumulat perverts.
Trebuie să spun că derivaţia sa trepideze de stalinism dus ca mod(prin el).
Totuşi(Acum) stim ca orice secret poate duce la repetarea(repetiţii) a trecut rusinos, printre care nu suferă pentru câini, de ani şi că este din nou va deveni intensificat: cainii manipulate(tratate) ingrozitor, bătut şi nasuri rupte de lovituri, aruncat(exprimate) viu în ambulant(mobil) cuptoare, de exemplu. Groaza care...

" Ce caracterizeaza, în final, acest antisemitism în ruminul?
Acesta este în special impregnarea sale în toate compania(vârsta si societatea(vechimii). Din a doua jumătate a secolului xixe, burghezie şi pe intelectualii sunt hranitoare si theorize despre antisemitism. Atunci este deosebit de vanat, foarte haotic, întindeţi caracter, acestei Shoah în ruminul, cu diverse metode de sacrificare: marsuri de moarte, filmari, miza, dar de asemenea masacre în puţuri - aruncam(exprimate) în viaţă copiii in gauri - transportate de puscariasi, vanzarile...

* Autorul, în special, de Cioran, Eliade, Ionesco. Supravegherea(uitand) a fascismului (puf, pe 2002).Triste nouvelle. pas de quoi s’etonner, c'est un drôle de pays. Comme l'a écrit l'historien Raul Hilberg, «aucun pays, Allemagne exceptée, ne participa aussi massivement au massacre des juifs».

Article à lire entièrement pour avoir une idée d'une population au lourd passé qu’elle n’a jamais voulu voir avec courage, honnêteté et franchise. Une cruauté terrible qu’on retrouve dans d’autres pays d’Europe centrale, envers les animaux comme dans le passé envers les juifs, mais vite dans la haine si tu leur fais savoir leur verité, comme pas mal de pervers narcissiques.
faut dire que la chape de plomb du stalinisme est passée par là.
Or on sait que tout secret peut avoir pour effet la répétition d’un passé honteux, dont là, les chiens souffrent depuis des années et ça va encore s’intensifier: chiens traités horriblement, battus membres et nez cassés par des coups, jetés vivants dans des fours ambulants, par exemple. Quelle horreur..

"Qu'est-ce qui caractérise, finalement, cet antisémitisme à la roumaine?
C'est surtout son imprégnation dans toute la société et son ancienneté. Dès la seconde moitié du xixe siècle, la bourgeoisie et les intellectuels nourrissent et théorisent l'antisémitisme. Puis c'est le caractère particulièrement sauvage, très chaotique, disséminé, de cette Shoah à la roumaine, avec ses diverses méthodes de tuerie: marches de la mort, fusillades, bûchers, mais aussi massacres dans des puits - on jette des enfants vivants dans d'immenses trous - ventes de déportés...

* Auteur, notamment, de Cioran, Eliade, Ionesco. L'Oubli du fascisme (PUF, 2002).

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